3HG Simbrahs Simmental


Merida Station sit on 30,000 acres south of Jericho QLD and Home to 3 generations of Humphrey families.
Now it’s our turn, Adam and I moved back to Merida in 2016 to help out on the family property.

In 2017 we expanded our family with adding our first child, then our second in 2018 and adding our last edition in 2021,
blessing us with 3 beautiful girls the reason behind 3HG
(3 Humphrey Girls).

Adam had been wanting to start a stud for a few months now, with him finally coming clean about it we decided
why not let’s give it our best shot, so here we are today giving it our all.

We started with predominantly Simbrah cattle but have now added four Simmental Heifers and 3 Bulls also with our first drop of 4 Simmental calves to help get the ball rolling. We are aiming to provide Simmental Bulls with eventually expanding to sell stud heifers.

We wouldn’t be in the position we are today if it wasn’t for the help of Adam’s parents- Darryl & Alexandra, passing on their knowledge of the breed and giving us the steppingstones to point us in the right direction to pursue our dream.

The aim of it all is to show our girls if you put your mind and heart into it, you can achieve anything.